Birding by ear Part III

Birding by ear Part III
by Heather Harbord, 20 April 2013.

Four of us met Pierre at the Italian Hall and walked north along a muddy trail where we saw or heard 29 species.

We mostly focused on the Orange-crowned Warbler’s song.  The long, thin trill that drops at the end.  Luckily there were lots of them today.  Also the “wetchidi-witchidi” of the newly arrived Common Yellowthroats.  There was a nice movement of Yellow-rumped Warblers.  We saw a beautiful ‘Myrtle’ form of them, pausing above us for all to admire.  A merlin swooped by, low over the bushes, with a Rufous Hummingbird hot in pursuit.  Those little guys are really bold!

There were still flocks of Greater White-fronted Geese flying over and 3 Blue-winged Teals showed up briefly headed for the shore.