Mrs and Mr Moss – getting to know them
by Tom Koleszar, 1 May 2022
Fifteen of us gathered at the Inland Lake parking area to begin to get to know the mosses of this area with trip leader Rod Tysdal. Rod is a retired forester, and spent the last few months delving into the world of mosses – buying new books and dusting off old ones – to prepare for this trip. Before we started out, he gave us an introductory talk aided by samples and other materials in the back of his truck.
We then proceed around the lake to the Lost Lake Trail, looking at mosses in the forest on the open rocky areas and collecting samples of many different kinds as we went. Rod provided us with a guide sheet including a little songs entitled “Hylocomium Splendens” which we sang to the tune of “I’ve been everywhere, Man”. Its probably just as well there was no one else on the trail to hear us! Once we reached Lost Lake, we gathered together all our samples and learn to identify them and a little bit about their different natures.
We topped it off with lunch at Lost Lake, enjoying the scenery and more discussions about mosses and other things before heading back. Rod did his usual wonderful job, and everyone really enjoyed the trip. A special thanks to Rod, and also to Nancy Pezel for coordinating the trip.