Our club does more than organize field-trips and host Invited Speakers. We’ve been known to roll up our sleeves and get involved.
Citizen Science Events
Since 2004 our club has participated in the Christmas Bird Count. which in Canada is organized by Bird Studies Canada.
Our members participate in other things too, most notably the BC Coastal Waterbird Survey.
These are not only tremendously good excuses to go birdwatching and meet nice people, they result in data of value to scientists and wildlife managers.
So if you’re interested in learning more about our local birds, it’s hard to imagine an easier or more congenial way than to spend a few hours with some local experts – most of whom carry big telescopes that let you get up close and personal with the birds…
We hope you’ll join us!
The Young Naturalists
Realizing that love of nature can be fostered at any age, we established the Young Naturalists in 2007.
In the past we’ve built bird boxes and feeders, learned about the migrating Snow Geese, found strange shoreline critters, studied the night sky, found our way through dense forests with map and compass, carved soap stone hearts and arrows, pressed wildflowers, learned to farm worms, and banded young Purple Martins.
We’ve had LOTS of fun!
Young Naturalist events are geared toward 6 – 12 year olds, but children of any age are welcome so long as a responsible adult attends as well. Our intent is to create a family learning experience.
Event information is available in the Around Town section of the Peak Midweek, in posters distributed around town, and through direct phone calls to families who have previously shown an interest in taking part.
Participation is by donation. Please pre-register by contacting the trip coordinator (listed in your bimonthly member message) or by emailing the webmaster.
We hope you’ll join us!
Other stuff
Powell River is a town filled-to-overflowing with great events…
…so if you’re out at Seedy Saturday, or out brushing trails with the Outdoor Recreation Users Group, or just taking A Walk in the Park…
…well, don’t be surprised if you bump into us there too!
We hope you’ll decide to join us!
A few moments
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