Category: Club Documents
These are “one-time” documents
Download and install Avenza Maps on your smart-phone. You can do this directly from your phone using the “app store” or “google play” (depending on whether you have an android or iphone device). Download the Sentinal-2 image. Follow the “import a map” instructions found here. I found it easiest to download and save the map … Continue reading Sentinal-2 map for Avenza
find the Informed consent and waiver document and save that document to your computer desktop. (Hint: right-click on the link and “save link as…”) Open the saved document using Adobe Reader. If you don’t happen to have Adobe Reader already installed on your computer, it’s free to download and install from Open the document … Continue reading How to sign and send your membership waiver
by Cindy Dalcourt (President), 3 Sept 2021. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING MEMBERSHIP — EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY MALASPINA NATURALIST CLUB A.G.M. & Speaker: Mike Moore — “Pacific Giant Octopus” 7:00 p.m. Thursday Sept. 23, 2021 (doors open at 6:30) NOTE our new meeting location!!! Royal Canadian Legion Branch 164 6811 Alexander St (You enter the parking lot & … Continue reading Notice regarding membership – 2021-22
by Heather Harbord and Sherri Wretham, 14 April 2014. Ann Clements started the club by writing an article in the paper suggesting a need for it, and inviting interested people to turn up to hear a talk on 18 March 1999 on “Feeding Wild Birds”. The speaker was Bob Waldon of Alert Bay, who had written … Continue reading History of the Malaspina Naturalists
by Andrew Bryant, 18 April 2014 We’re a small club. Our membership has grown from about ~110 members in 2010 to ~150 since. Despite being small, there’s lots of work involved in organizing field trips, inviting speakers, keeping members advised about upcoming events, compiling photographs from past events, keeping email addresses current, transporting a heavy ladder … Continue reading Help Us!
by Andrew Bryant, Heather Harbord, Sherri Wretham and Barbara Sherriff 4 April 2014 Individuals or organizations who made images available for use on this website will: retain full copyright be re-redirected to the original image provider in numerous cases we have used a generic image to represent a particular subject. We have tried to identify the actual photographer/artist … Continue reading Image policy
sign on to your online bank account as you normally would set up a new e-transfer recipient called: the recipient email address is: IMPORTANT: in the comments section, state your full name mailing address including postal code email address reason for payment Hit the send button and you’re good to go. It’s FAST — just … Continue reading How to send us money on-line
by Andrew Bryant, Heather Harbord, Sherri Wretham and Barbara Sherriff 4 April 2014 Individuals or organizations who allowed us to post electronic documents for use on this website will: retain full copyright be included with a link to the original document provider and be given the right to ask that they be deleted