Heather Harbord – “Epic Antarctica”

Heather Harbord – “Epic Antarctica”
by Andrew Bryant, 22 Feb 2018.

A scheduled speaker’s non-appearance threatened doom – until quick-witted Heather Harbord decided to take us all out instead – to Antarctica!

So.  After a short pause, all went swimmingly well.  Penguins, orcas,  ice.  More penguins, more ice, and then, alas…
the dreaded technical glitch…

So we only got to see a portion of her slides.  Heather, of course is a trooper who’s experienced such things before, so she gamely carried on, regaling us with her alternatively funny, poignant, and just just amazing tales.
A quarter of a million pairs of penguins – seriously?


Mike Moore – “Antarctica”

Mike Moore – “Antarctica”
by Andrew Bryant, 19 November 2015.

Our dear friend Captain Mike Moore took time off from skippering the ever-faithful Misty Isles and driving naturalists hither and fro in his zodiac, to show us what he does in the “off-season”…

…which is driving naturalists hither and fro…in a zodiac…in Antarctica!

The photos were breathtaking, and some of the stories behind them are incredible.  Mike is a wonderful raconteur.  I knew that krill was important, but had no idea of the pervasive prominence of pink poo!

Nor did I know about the recently successful rat eradication program on South Georgia, or the historical significance of the wrecked factory whaling ship Guvernøren, or why there would be a bronze statue of a particular Chilean tug captain  on Elephant Island, or why one can see easily see different age-classes of penguins in a single photograph, or what some of the cascading impacts of climate change may be upon King Penguins and other creatures.

Incredible stuff.  I wanna go!