Category: 2018-2019 events

by David Bedry, 15 June 2019. With an array of field guides in hand, David Bedry and a small group of parents and Young Naturalists explored the tide pools below the Westview viewpoint. Three parents with four children had a great time wading and splashing in the tide pools with dip nets, using collection jars … Continue reading A Seaside Amble

by Andrew Bryant, 30 May 2019. Some “events” just fall into your lap. Others take hard work and persistence. This one had elements of both. In May of 2018 we were approached by Nikita Johnston of the Powell River Historical Museum and Archives. It appears that our existing “display” had “seen better days”. Nikita kindly … Continue reading Our new Forestry Museum display

by Janet May, 28 Oct. Clyde Burton led Young Naturalist bird enthusiasts to the estuary where we crept up on a dozen killdeer and saw a rare Eurasian widgeon! Clyde had egg samples for all to feel and a hooded merganser. As we said goodbye, a kingfisher scolded us and a pair of eagles twittered … Continue reading Bird watching with Clyde