Texada Gold Rush

Texada Gold Rush
by Joan Treen, 19 April 2017.

The morning was spent at the Texada Museum, which was quite a surprise for most of us who did not know it existed.  It’s an amazing place, housing information about the development of mining on the island and the pioneers who settled there, many of whose descendants remain to this day. The folks on Texada deserve a lot of credit for producing, and continuing to expand such an interesting display of the island’s history which dates back to 1873 and earlier.  Two of the museums volunteers, Doug Paton and Ken Barton explained the history in fascinating detail.

We were also fortunate to visit Bob Duker’s property to view his home-made gold processing plant which he and his partner used for many years. He was very generous with his time and we felt fortunate to be able to visit him.  In the afternoon Geologist John Dove and Prospector Dave Murphy showed us the remains of the Little Billie Mine in Vananda where we found samples of various minerals in the rocks.  We also discovered the closed off opening to the now defunct mine shaft.

Our trip along the trail to Emily (Turtle) Lake was lovely with stops along the way to view a beaver dam and various island plants such as Lungwort Lobaria pulmonaria (Pojar p.489), Evergreen Huckleberry, salal, and many wild red current bushes in bloom.

Some of the group also saw the nesting site of the turtles and one out sunning itself on a log in the lake.  We ended our day with a short hike to Clam Bay while awaiting our ferry, then back to Powell River with memories of the uniqueness of Texada Island, and appreciation of the fascinating history of this mining community.

Thanks to Heather Harbord for organizing and leading this interesting field trip.

Texada Tidepools

Texada Tidepools
by Lu Wuthrich, 13 July 2014.

Eleven of the naturalists group had the pleasure of exploring the intertidal zone at Limekiln Bay on Sunday, July 13th. The weather was wonderful and a low tide provided an opportunity for three hours of fun turning over rocks and digging bivalves on the sandy part of the beach.

The rock formations are striking, as the tide pools are carved out of
limestone and looked scooped out by some giant spoon. Beautiful Chitons
were one of our finds as well as a huge abundance of orange Sea Cucumbers
that seemed to be under every rock. The picture is of one such orange and
white Sea Cucumber.

We owe special thanks to John Dove, who not only co-led the trip with me, but cleared out the trail especially for us!

Texada Quarry

Texada Quarry
By Heather Harbord, 16 February 2013.

Twelve of us, including Barbara Sherriff (Leader) and myself (Coordinator), walked on the 9:50 AM ferry to Texada.  On board, Barbara explained how limestone is formed from marine sediments and how igneous intrusions into it produced small deposits of gold, silver and copper.

At Blubber Bay, retired quarry manager, Harold Diggon, and TQL’s Quarry Maintenance Manager, Warren Kiland met us with a bus.  The Blubber Bay Museum was the first stop.  Texada Heritage Society Chair, Ken Barton, and Texada Archivist, Doug Paton, opened the doors to show off the mining and mineral displays.  A quick bus tour of Van Anda showed the group the remains of early twentieth century lime quarry and kilns at Limekiln Bay as well as the 1897 kiln at Marble Bay.  The group stopped at the Ravenous Raven which was kindly hosted by the quarry.

At the quarry, we stopped to look at some recently blasted flower rock and then went up to the 820 level where the clouds cleared enough to provide a stupendous view over Texada and across the water to Powell River and Vancouver Island.  We collected some lovely samples of iron pyrites associated with quartz and posed for a group photo.  The day ended with a quick run back to catch the 3:00 PM ferry.

Botany BC and Texada

Botany BC and Texada
by Heather Harbord, 17 May 2008.

Botany BC, the annual meeting of botanists and plant enthusiasts of British Columbia was held in Powell River from 15-18 May.   As part of this event, John Dove and Terry Ludwar led a field trip to Texada Island on the second day, the 17th.

You can read the original trip announcement here.  You can also read a wonderful field trip report by Ian Cumming, one of the participants, complete with wonderful photographs,  here.