Category: 2016-2017 Speakers

by Andrew Bryant, 22 June 2017. Intrepid hiker, geologist, and Club President Tom Kolesar took us on a vicarious exploration of the high alpine in our own backyard – and what a fine view it was! Using images spanning years and multiple adventures, Tom shared his experiences on many of our local mountains. He structured … Continue reading Tom Koleszar – “Hidden treasure in the attic: our local alpine”

by Andrew Bryant, 12 May 2017. The mission of the Invasive Species Council of BC is to provide information, and resources, to combat the many threats posed by exotic plants and animals. Don Hare is their Executive Director, and travelled to Powell River to speak mostly about invasive plants specific to our area. Many are aware of … Continue reading Don Hare – “Invasive Plants”

by Andrew Bryant, 20 April 2017. Jessica Baynton has one of those weird and wonderful jobs that us mere mortals can only marvel at. As a biologist employed by The Raptors, she spends her days flying various birds-of-prey. Yes, you read that correctly. Using gloves, twine, whistles, radios, and traditional skills from the age-old practice of falconry, … Continue reading Jessica Baynton – “Island Raptors: the science and art of falconry”

by Andrew Bryant, 18 March 2017. Dr. Richard Dewey is Associate Director and head of research at Ocean Networks Canada, based at the University of Victoria. He’s conducted oceanographic research throughout the Pacific from Japan to California, and along the B.C., Alaskan, and Arctic coasts. Long-time sailer and resident of the Pacific Northwest, he’s particularly interested … Continue reading Richard Dewey – “Tides, currents, and sailing the coastal waters of BC”

by Andrew Bryant, 19 January 2017. Noted amphibiographers Terry Brown and Jude Abrams travelled all the way from Okeover Inlet to speak about some creatures we hold dear, those whopping big humpback whales – and the herring, anchovies and krill that whales (and many others) depend upon. Using videos, sound clips and stories, Terry and … Continue reading Terry Brown & Jude Abrams – “Whopping whales and wee fish”

by Andrew Bryant, 17 November 2016. Long-time club member, professional forester, and die-hard birder, Neil entertained us last year with his talk about spring migration in the eastern Mediterranean. Although he’s moved away from Powell River and now calls Victoria home, Neil made a special trip back to share his latest amazing adventure – to Ethiopia! … Continue reading Neil Hughes – “Ethiopia: a birding extravaganza”

by Andrew Bryant, 20 October 2016. Having previously worked on geese in Ontario, caribou in Spatzisi, and the moose and wolves of Isle Royale, Dr. Rick Page recently visited to share his considerable knowledge and experience of “urban deer“. Deer are are beautiful and impressive creatures, but bring problems to the urban landscape. Without natural predators … Continue reading Rick Page – “Urban deer: they’re here to stay”

by Andrew Bryant, 15 September 2016. Frank Ritcey was raised in the wilds of Wells Gray Provincial Park, and like his parents became a lifelong naturalist and conservationist. He works for WildSafe BC, is heavily involved with the Kamloops Naturalists Club, and spends much of his time filming, teaching and guiding. Frank began with a beautiful film of grassland … Continue reading Frank Ritcey – “Staying safe on both sides of the glass”