Alpine Adventure #6 – Diadem Mountain

Alpine Adventure #6 – Diadem Mountain
by Tom Koleszar
13 August 2023

Alpine Adventure #6 – Diadem Mountain

Once again, on our scheduled field trip day (August 12), the backcountry weather was questionable – so we had to move the trip to Sunday August 13, when we had an absolutely beautiful day!  We landed on a ridge near Mt Diadem, with splendid views of the peak itself.  We could also see sections of Jervis Inlet, Diadem Lake, many backcountry peaks, and out towards Georgia Strait.

After everyone was assembled at our destination, we spent more than an hour before lunch learning about the local environment (flora and fauna, geology and landforms, etc.).  The area was mixed sub-alpine forest and open areas of rock and shrubs.  Despite this being a dry year, there was an impressive display of alpine flowers – we identified well over a dozen different flowers and many other plants.  Sharon Shultz’s list of plants she found is included below. Flowers weren’t the only life we saw – we did not have the ridge to ourselves! A black bear was around most of the day and was spotted by many of the trip participants. Some intrepid hikers even spotted some goats up towards the peak. There were also Western Toads, and salamanders in the largest pond. We had more than our share of horseflies, but also many bees, dragonflies and a few butterflies. The geology of the area is also interesting as it is largely composed of sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Bowen Island formation, rather than the granitic plutons common to this region.

After an enjoyable lunch in the sunshine, we had a couple of hours of free time to explore. Some explored near the landing area, while others hiked further afield. Several brave souls even swam in the large pond (it was cool but quite swimmable!). It was a great day, and I think everyone had a wonderful time.

Thanks again to our drivers who got everyone to the staging area safely and to Cal Smith for handling all the trip registration and communications, and especially to Ben, our Oceanview Helicopters pilot, who got everyone on and off the mountain safely – and added some nice sightseeing along the way!

Sharon’s plant list:

Alaska Saxifrage

Alpine Aster

Alpine Fireweed

Alpine Lady Fern

Black Alpine Sedge

Davidson’s Penstemon

False Pixie Cup

Ground Cedar

Leatherleaf Saxifrage

Mountain Arnica

Mountain Daisy

Mountain Hairgrass

Oak Fern

Oval Leaf Blueberry

Parsley Fern

Pink Mountain Heather

Red Columbine

Running Clubmoss

Spreading Stonecrop



Alpine Adventure #5 – Slide Mountain

Alpine Adventure #5 – Slide Mountain
by Tom Koleszar
, 8 August 2022

Our scheduled field trip day of August 6 had beautiful weather, however, our helicopter was taken to fight wildfires near Bute Inlet, so we could not go! After much discussion and planning and rescheduling, we managed to get a full trip up to Slide Mountain two days later – still in wonderful weather with no smoke!!

Twenty members were landed by helicopter near a small lake just NE of Slide Mountain at 1350 metres elevation. The weather was sunny and warm (quite warm in the afternoon!) with excellent visibility. The views were spectacular. After everyone was assembled at our destination, we spent a hour before lunch learning about the local environment (flora and fauna, rocks and landforms, etc.). The area was mixed sub-alpine forest and open areas of rock and low bushes (mostly heather and blueberries). There can be impressive wildflower displays in some years, unfortunately the late snow pack this year meant little was blooming when we were there. Indeed, the lake was still almost completely frozen! A few birds were seen, and some goat trails and droppings were noted – but by far the most abundant wildlife species were the flies and mosquitoes!

After an enjoyable lunch in the sunshine, we had a couple of hours of free time to explore. Some relaxed near the landing area, while others explored around the lake or along adjacent ridges. It was a wonderful day, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves a lot – whether they were new to the alpine country or just renewing an old acquaintance.

Thanks again to our drivers who got everyone to the staging area safely and to Nancy for bring the extra helicopter fuel, and especially to Ben, our Oceanview Helicopters pilot, who got everyone on and off the mountain safely.

Alpine Adventure

Alpine Adventure
by Tom Koleszar, 9 Aug

On Sunday, August 9 – one day later than planned due to inclement weather – twenty Malaspina Naturalists enjoyed a helicopter field trip to the alpine country of the South Powell Divide.  Flying from the airport and from a staging area a few kilometers past the head of Goat Lake, we spent the day on a ridge by a small unnamed lake (elevation 1560m) above Carol Lake.  It was good that we waited the extra day, as the weather turned out to be wonderful!

After everyone arrived on the ridge, we spent the rest of the morning exploring the area near the lake and learning about the geology and ecology of the alpine country.  Due to the higher elevation, several kinds of wildflowers were still in evidence, and thought there wasn’t much wildlife (other than flies and mosquitoes!) some of the group did spot some Ptarmigan.  The geology included Coast Plutonic Complex diorites along with Bowen Island Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks.  There were few trees at that level – only stunted and twisted Mountain Hemlock and Yellow Cedar showing how hard life is for them up there!

After lunch, we had some free time to explore as we wished, or just relax and enjoy a beautiful alpine day.  Some hiked a bit, and some just cooled their feet in the chilly lake waters.

Special thanks go to Nancy Pezel for helping with the trip, our drivers who took folks to the staging area over many kilometers of dusty roads (John Pezel, Clive Deary, Nancy Pezel, Cal Smith, David Bedry, and Simon Goede), and also to Pilot Matt Larocque of Oceanview Helicopters for safe flying and interesting tours!

Alpine Adventure – Take 20

Alpine Adventure – Take 20
by Tom Koleszar, 18 August 2018

Twenty of us recently enjoyed a helicopter trip into our local alpine country.  Flying from the airport and from a staging area near Goat Lake, we spent the day on a ridge top between Diane and Joan Lakes, near Mt Baldy.  It was a great day as we were able to find a window of wonderful weather amidst all the forest fire smoke we’ve been having!

We spent the day exploring the ridge, enjoying the views, and sampling the blueberries (they were everywhere!). After everyone arrived on the ridge top, we spent the rest of the morning on a tour of the area learning about the geology, geography, shrubs, and trees, though we were a bit late for most of the wildflowers (there was some saxifrage, but most others were already done).

The ridge itself and the surrounding mountains provided excellent examples of the geology, including Coast Plutonic Complex diorites along with Gambier and Vancouver Group volcanic and sedimentary rocks.  Lichens and mosses were common, as were heathers, different kinds of blueberries, and rhododendrons in areas with a bit more soil.  It was obvious that the trees up there have a very hard life, but we identified lots of Mountain Hemlock and Yellow Cedar (some very old!), along with a few Subalpine Fir and an occasional Mountain Ash!

After lunch, we had some free time to explore as we wished, or just relax and enjoy a beautiful alpine day.  Our group included everyone from experienced local climbers remembering past days all the way to those seeing our alpine areas for the first time, and I think a great time was had by all!

Special thanks go to Nancy Pezel for helping with the trip, our drivers who took folks to the staging area over many kilometers of dusty roads (John Pezel, Lee Edmunds, Nancy Pezel and Simon Goede), and also to Pilot James Mode of Oceanview Helicopters for safe flying and interesting tours!

Alpine Adventure – by helicopter!

Alpine Adventure – by helicopter!
by Tom Koleszar, 12 August 2017.

Twenty members of the Malaspina Naturalist Club recently enjoyed an alpine adventure, travelling by helicopter to an area near Skwim Lake.  While some were able to fly in directly from the airport, most of us flew from a staging area near Freda Lake.  Pilot Ben made sure all the flights were very interesting indeed!  We were also very lucky with the weather, finding a window just as the forest fire smoke was leaving and before the clouds arrived!

We spent the day exploring a ridge just above Skwim Lake and enjoying the views of the surrounding landscape. Our explorations included a tour along the ridge before lunch looking at the geology, flowers, shrubs, trees, and even a marmot!  Thanks to Andrew Bryant for an impromptu lecture on marmots and marmot habitats!  We found some fossils in the ancient sedimentary rocks of the area, and enjoyed several different varieties of wildflower growing among the snow patches, rocky terrain, and stunted alpine trees.  While Skwim Lake itself was mostly free of snow and ice, the upper lake near our ridgetop was still almost entirely covered, with some fascinating snow and ice formations around the shoreline!  After lunch, we had some free time to explore as we wished, or just relax and enjoy a beautiful alpine day. Our local alpine areas are fascinating, but very difficult to get to, so I think a great time was had by all exploring new territory (or in a few cases, revisiting old haunts!).

Special thanks go to Laurette Hamoline and Nancy Pezel for helping to organize the trip, our drivers who took folks to the staging are over many kilometers of dusty roads (Mel Lougheed, David Bedry, Nancy Pezel and Andrew Bryant), and also to Pilot Ben Berukoff of Oceanview Helicopters for safe flying and interesting tours!

Andrew and Laurette sent out the following emails upon their return:

Hi everyone,
Something quite amazing happened at the very end of the trip.
Specifically, we were on final approach to landing on the logging road.  I was in the front seat snapping photos.  The first two images show our landing approach.  The 3rd image shows the helicopter landing in the same spot (taken earlier in the day).  We were about at the same altitude, facing the same way, when Pilot-in-Command Ben exclaimed:
“what the F___ is THAT going on ABOVE us?”
It took a second to see what Ben had already seen through the swirling helicopter dust.
Tumbling arse-over-teakettle down through the shubs, and then down the bare slope, was an adult deer.  With a large cougar firmly attached to it.  I have an image of alternating paws, hooves and frenzied shubbery.  That was a lot of body mass to be performing somersaults. I saw this apparition quite clearly – and then I didn’t – because they tumbled down behind the log pile.  A moment later we were on the ground.  Unscheduled shut-down.  Fumbling with seatbelts and doors to disembark.  Five of us stood there, knowing there was an excited cat behind that wood pile, and a dead or dying deer there too.  We didn’t go closer.  A few moments later we caught another glimpse – the cougar streaking back up the embankment and disappearing into the undergrowth.  Ben rebooted his helicopter and was quickly airborne.  We thought it best not to check on the deer, but instead loaded gear and drove home.
Several things make the event noteworthy for me.  In 25 years of fieldwork on Vancouver Island, I only saw about 15 cougars, and never watched one kill a deer in front of me.  Second, I had the camera, literally in my hands, but the moment was too fleeting even to raise it to my eye.  Finally, the time elapsed from frame DSC_300 and touchdown was short…maybe 10-15 seconds?  So I suspect that both predator and prey must be somewhere in that photo – but damned if I can see them.
Nature, red and tooth in claw
To continue Andrew’s story ……. I was in the next shuttle run to the landing and Ben was, of course, telling us of the raw nature scene you had witnessed so we are anxious to see how the story was unfolding and especially to know where that cougar was now.  As we approached we were amazed to see the wounded deer limping across the landing right across our parking spot and down into the brush below.  It was, to be sure, a rather pitiful and disturbing sight but it’s just nature taking its course.  I’m quite certain that cougar, frightened off by all the noise of the chopper, was keeping a close eye on his supper and was just waiting for us to all to leave.  Quite something!

Tom Koleszar – “Hidden treasure in the attic: our local alpine”

Tom Koleszar – “Hidden treasure in the attic: our local alpine”
by Andrew Bryant, 22 June 2017.

Intrepid hiker, geologist, and Club President Tom Kolesar took us on a vicarious exploration of the high alpine in our own backyard – and what a fine view it was!  Using images spanning years and multiple adventures, Tom shared his experiences on many of our local mountains.

He structured his talk in terms of layers, discussing each of the
• Tree Layer
• Shrub Layer
• Herb Layer
• Moss Layer
• Water Layer
• Rock Layer
• Wildlife Layer
as the inter-related ecosystem components that they are.

I was personally impressed with his geologist’s view of things.  Where I see an awesome mountain ridge, Tom sees a geological intrusion that “doesn’t fit”.  Where I see an extraordinary mountain waterfall, he sees “inexorable forces”.  Where I see a beautiful meadow of wildflowers, he sees “resiliance”.  And where I see an enormous glacier, he sees “time” and “pressure”.

A talk not to be missed.  Nor is our upcoming helicopter field-trip in August!