Desolation Sound (aboard the Misty Isles)
by Howard and Lois Bridger, 23 July 2022
Leaving Lund at full capacity with twelve passengers, our Captain Jonas and assistant Tosh.
We couldn’t have asked for a nicer day. The temperature was perfect and the few clouds were scattered over the mountain tops. We motored around Sarah Pt., past the Curme Islands to Prideaux Haven where we discovered we were not alone.
Referred to, by Jonas, as “the parking lot” for good reason. It seems Desolation Sound is a popular spot! Fortunately, this trip is all about the spectacular scenery of which there was plenty.
Many small islands, narrow channels and the majestic coastal mountains filled our views. Jonas and Tosh regaled us with many stories of First Nations, early settlers and the natural history of the surrounding area.
Sightings included, Marbled Murrelets, Pigeon Guillemots, Bald Eagles, Harlequin Ducks, nesting Gulls, Pelagic Cormorants, stunted Old Growth forests on rocky islands, a seal nursery, many stands of beautiful and large Arbutus trees and more. We arrived back in Lund feeling relaxed and saturated with coastal beauty.