Aimee Mitchell & Chris Currie – “Species and ecosystems at risk”
by Andrew Bryant, 17 Mar 2022.
In our first “in person” meeting since last November, Aimee Mitchell and Chris Currie came to speak to us about local endangered species and ecosystems.
The good news is that it was nice to see familiar faces (although most of us were still wearing masks). The bad news is that hosting our meeting on Saint Patrick’s Day meant that there was a live music concert going on upstairs – which made listening conditions terrible. Our new wireless headset microphone worked, but sadly the internet connection dropped out. Most viewers visiting via Zoom quickly gave up in frustration.
For the 20-30 persons who attended in person, we learned that Chris and Aimee have been very busy indeed! From Red-legged Frogs to Western Screech owls to Little Brown Bats, all of these species have fascinating life-history traits. I’d forgotten that these bats, for example, have only one pup each year…but can live to be 30 years!
It was a good talk under trying circumstances – and we have some planning and technical challenges to solve!