the Club – “Highlights of 2017-18”

the Club – “Highlights of 2017-18”
by Andrew Bryant, 20 Sept 2018.

We tried something a bit different for our AGM this year.  Rather than kick off the new Malanat-year by bringing in an outside speaker, we thought we’d take the opportuity to reflect on the year that’s been – and what a year it was!

There were a total of 16 field-trips, not to mention the Young Naturalists,and special events like the Christmas Bird Count, Coastal Waterbird Surveys, Seedy Saturday…and more!

Nancy, Tom, David and yours truly provided the commentary as we travelled, vicariously, over some of the terrain we explored over the past year.  There was rather a lot of it.  What was also impressive were some of the statistics.  Doing all this stuff required a lot of time, effort and attention.

It was a good reminder…it takes work to build a club!