Return to Stillwater Bluffs

Return to Stillwater Bluffs
by Andrew Bryant, 10 Nov
. 2018

Fifteen of us carpooled our way out to one of Powell River’s nicest remaining natural areas – the Stillwater Bluffs.

Ably led by long-time resident, climber, and friend-of-the-bluffs Jason Addy, the morning began with unsettled November weather…with just a few drops of rain and some hints of sunshine peaking through the grey skies here and there.  The trail is well-maintained and not too arduous, although care is needed when the rocks are slippery.  It’s a place where paying attention to where you step definitely matters.

Interspersed among the impressive granite were some equally impressive Douglas Firs and extensive patches of reindeer lichen (Cladina), that delightful example of symbiosis between fungus and unicellular algae that just looks…weird.

Indeed, ecologically-speaking, it’s a very interesting place, which is why various levels of government have it listed on the local map of “sensitive ecosystems” and why a grassroots group seeks to acquire it for parkland.

The views from the top of the climbing bluffs were impressive, as were the sea lions hauled out at McRae Rocks.
Truly a nice day out!